Yes...I am old...enough to be married 27 years.
I met Charles in the summer of 1977. I was 14 years old and Charles was 17. We met at Church Youth Conference. It was being held at a new university in Irvine. UCI. On the first day we had these name badges that encouraged us to introduce ourselves to each other. I was sitting in my dorm room when this cute boy was walking by...perfect time to use my name badge. Three days later he went home with my badge with my phone number written on the back.

Someone took our picture. Look how cute he is!
My first impression was he was much too old for me, I mean he shaved and everything. After nine months of him trying to win me over to the idea of dating an older man...he asked me to his Prom. I was still in Jr High so this was huge! Because I was now 15 1/2 and we would be going with a big group my parents agreed to let me go.
That's when it all began.

After Charles served a mission in Austria & Yugoslavia and 10 months after I graduated from High School...
We were Married on a beautiful day on April 3, 1982
Now 27 years , 4 children, 2 sons-in-law and beautiful Granddaughter later...I couldn't be happier.
Thank you Charles for being my best friend
and partner in life. I am looking forward to the next 27 years~